
Local Billionaire Visits the Cafe!

When Jan Lewis (pictured at right), the oldest (think trombones) living Barista in Washington state started work yesterday, little did she know that shortly after I took this picture, she would be whipping up at 16 oz. Breve for one of the richest men on the planet Earth! Yes Paul Allen, co-founder of Microsoft and property owner on Lopez, stopped in for a hot drink. Now Forbes Magazine has recently announced that Mr. Allen has lost almost 40% of his net worth in this latest stock market freefall, so Jan was more than happy to extend credit to him, when he discovered he did not have the $4.50 to pay for the drink! Yes it's true.....Paul Allen the Gazillionaire was "on the books" at the Caffe La Boheme!


  1. Hmm...I served Tom Skerritt at Bucky's once, and when it came time to pay? Not enough money for a tip. Do I sense a theme? Oh, and fair warning on PA, he usually takes about 90 days to process an invoice! hahaha

  2. oh Jan.. LOVE your 'Brush with Fame' !!
